28 Oct Whose hands are in your pockets?
If you turn on the radio its all about austerity, water charges, property prices, or change to mortgage rules. Unless its a pressing issue for you, its all background noise. Quick, change the channel, Love Hate is back! Woo!
I’m a huge fan of burying my head in the sand. I should REALLY get that dental work done but can’t seem to pick up the phone to make the appointment. We’re all guilty of putting things on the long finger. In our business we have to try and get people excited about looking at what otherwise could be considered boring and non-pressing.
So here goes… Here’s why you need to have an annual appointment with your Financial Advisor (ProgressiveFS):
1. Save Money!
See what you can get tax back on for the year. You’d be surprised what little things you are missing out on!
Look at your insurance policies you took out yonks ago. Competition in the market means you are probably now paying too much.
Are you getting your tax relief and are your tax credits correct?
Do you understand all the deductions on your payslip?
2. Review Your Existing Policies
You diligently took out your Insurance policy when you (a) started your business and/or (b) bought your house and/or (c) became a parent. But things have CHANGED.
Does this cover still make sense? Does it need to change to reflect the changes in your business or your personal life?
Remind yourself WHY you are paying for something. Do you need to? Does it need to be amended?
Whatever happened to that pension from your former employer? Send your Financial Advisor to seek the answers. Don’t let this money slip down the cracks.
Hands are in your pocket that don’t need to be. And no I’m not talking about that tall blonde at the bar looking for you to buy him a drink. I’m talking about you and your personal finances. There is a reason to review this ever year to reduce your outgoings, and it generally costs you nothing but an hour out of your life. Put your financial advisor (Progressive FS) to work TODAY.
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